Thursday, May 12, 2022


I don't know if I can pinpoint an exact age or reason as to why I dislike birds so much. Maybe it was because of Alfred Hitchcock and his movie "The Birds". Maybe it's because at a young age I remember being bombed and pecked by these feathered creatures. All I know is that I truly dislike the creatures. 

I am mentioning this today because there is a morning dove that resides in front of our house that has taken to attacking me every time I leave from the front door. Seriously, it was literally divebombing me as I was out collecting mail this morning! The little bugger even pecked out a few strands of hair in one of his passes ... 

Can I call ASPCA about it? Can I get a BB Gun and do some target practice? Can I capture it and feed it to the feral cat in our neighborhood?

July 15

 I don't really have anything fancy to title this today ... Just wanted to acknowledge my chaotic feelings today.  Physically: nausea, h...